3 Tips on How to Practice Effectively

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It’s hard to believe it’s already the last week of January! I hope you are staying healthy and warm.

I started to think a lot about how to effectively get the most done in my practice session as I continue to do the 30-Day 10min Practice Challenge, (as you can see in the picture, I’m on day 14 now).

There is a lot of information out there on this topic, but I wanted to share some of my favorites.


​Here is the list of 3 tips you can start using today to practice effectively.

Tip 1: Focus on the task at hand

💫 Get rid of destructions - turn off TV, close computer, and your phone on Airplane mode

💫 Make the goal of each practice session very clear

💫 Practice slowly and accurately with repetition

Tip 2: Schedule practice sessions ahead of time with enough breaks and stick to it

💫 Put your practice schedule in your calendar ahead of time (the day before, or the week before, whatever fits your style), not the day of. This way, all you have to do is follow your schedule

💫 Short but focused practice sessions are more effective than long mindless session

💫 You can divide time of the day into multiple practice sessions. For example, 1 hour in the morning, lunch, 2 hours in the afternoon, dinner, 1 hour in the evening is more effective than 4 hours all in the afternoon.

Tip 3: Practice in your brain in vivid details (mental practice)

💫 Once the physical motion has been established, it can be reinforced in your head just by imagining it. 💭This is pretty cool!

Bonus tip : Try meditating before practicing or whenever you feel overwhelmed

💫 According to the Headspace website, meditation can positively impact your focus, mood, stress, and more

💫 There is also a technique called "centering" famously taught by Dr. Don Green and Noa Kageyama

If you haven't tried meditating, I highly recommend it not just for your musicianship but for general happiness and mental health.

As always, please feel free to contact me with any comments, requests, or questions by replying to this email. It’s my goal to make this newsletter as helpful to you as possible.

Here is a little inspiration about practicing ⭐️

“Practice does not make perfect. Only perfect practice makes perfect”

– Vince Lombardi, American football coach

Have a wonderful week & Happy Practicing!